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Are you the sensitive in the room?

Updated: 2 days ago

Employees talking over a table with laptops about business.

As Jill steps into the exquisite board room, the sound bounces from the floor across each wall in a boomerang fashion, magnifying each step. Her spine straightens as the floor hardness shoots up her spine.

The noontime sun beams through the lavish glass exterior expanding its reach into every

corner. Jill laughs with delight in how clean the board room is maintained. Not even a single

speck of dust illuminates the corners. The strong whiff of cleaning supplies tickles her nose.

Boom! Slightly startled the HVAC system turns on, escorting the odor of cleaning products out of the room. Now Jill can breathe again.

This is a mere 10 second glimpse into the world of Jill, a highly sensitive person. Every detail

noticed. Senses alive and vibrant. Constantly in control, fortifying her internal state and outward demeanor, everything that may throw Jill off her game comes rapidly to attention. Her nerves rattled with electric activity, keeping calm becomes a sport, down right exhausting at times. After all big decisions will be made in this board room today and being off kilter is unacceptable.

As board members enter the room one by one, the posture, position and power take center

stage. The fake smiles, a genuine handshake, a courtesy a hello, the death stare, and even an overly talkative, awkward nervousness comes through with laser precision. Jill’s heightened awareness ensures nothing goes unnoticed.

The discussion begins, some hesitate, while others rudely interrupt and blurt out. A heaviness fills the room as if caught in a flash flood wondering where to go and what to do. The discussion runs amuck with no clear direction.

With a gentle calmness, Jill states, “What’s not being stated about the current company trends?” The room falls eerily quiet. The awkward yet noble silence allows truth to come forward with ease. Everyone’s guard falls down. The door opens for real, genuine, honest discussion. Real decisions can be made now.

Highly sensitive people (HSP) comprise 20% of the population. Their unique traits include

pattern recognition and natural empathy. Their deep sensory processing system allow data and environmental cues to be analyzed 10x faster than a normal person.

This hyperawareness can be also overwhelming, when they cannot distinguish between their

emotions and another’s. This may feel like their life is spinning out of control. When left

unchecked, this adversely affects their health, finances, and relationships.

When HSPs operate in their most brilliant, optimal state, they turn sensitivity into a profitable

power. Their quick insights, valuable perspectives, and uncommon connections easily

identifying the critical path for projects, situations and human interactions. They turn into the

most valuable team member, visionary leader, bridge builder and companion.

Lora Lapiz , Founder Defy Logik , gives you the operating manual to trust your innate wisdom

and turn sensitivity into a profitable power. This leads to better, faster decision making that

saves you time, energy, and brings the fun back into your life again.

Guest blog post written by: Lora Lapiz



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